Episode 002: Three Fingers

Thomas Tsai visited us all the way from Cymbacavum. He was a trooper. He led early on in the two-hour sprint with a great impression, but broke down several minutes later. Coffee, it seems, holds no candle to whisky. The question that broke him? "What does TWFK mean?" And to think, until this moment, Mr. T. has been my earphone and earphone gut guide. Be sure to check out Cymbacavum. Relevant talking points include: Sony's new A17 Walkman The Bigma Jerry Harvey Roxanne nuforce Primo8 book margins Jinro Cowon Plenue

Thomas Tsai visited us all the way from Cymbacavum. He was a trooper. He led early on in the two-hour sprint with a great impression, but broke down several minutes later. Coffee, it seems, holds no candle to whisky. The question that broke him? 

"What does TWFK mean?" 

And to think, until this moment, Mr. T. has been my earphone and earphone gut guide. 

Be sure to check out Cymbacavum.

Relevant talking points include:

Sony's new A17 Walkman
The Bigma
Jerry Harvey Roxanne 
nuforce Primo8
book margins
Cowon Plenue