Sensor Crop Factors and Equivalence - or why I disabled comments

The current hot topic at Fuji Rumors is the 50-140/2,8 XF OIS lens for X cameras. Rico Pfirstinger's first look article has collected over a hundred comments.


A number of readers took issue with the size of the lens, which, in my opinion goes against the tenets of X-camera design described by Fujifilm's own evolution graphic. But then again, apart from camera bodies, size never favoured any mirrorless lens attempting to take on a classic focal length and output style. Small sensors require more exotic glass than larger sensors.

That of course, is a can of worms. It has been opened many times.

Most recently, it has been opened by Nasim Mansurov. His treatise misses a few key points, but it's a fair summation of pro-small sensor support. It may be long, but it is an easy read. And it is should add fodder to the anti-equivalence argument. If you're looking for more scientific essays, check these out: 

1. Equivalence - Joseph James
2. What is equivalence and why should I care? - DPReviwe

Then, take a pencil and bisect a notepad into three columns by drawing two vertical lines. Add in a header. Write something like: James / DPReview / Mansurov. Then pencil in the approximate number of comments attached to each article. Then pencil in the number of times a staff writer had to answer questions, respond to trolls, curmudgeons, and/or supporters. 

Then, head to type online and finish a typing speed test. How many words can you type a minute? And, how long does it take you to compose a comment? Even assuming that staff at DPReview and Photography Life type as fast, or faster than you, an anonymous internet dude or dudet, add in a couple of minutes for decorum. No self-respecting writer acts the asshat to readers. They take time to massage their messages, grade grammar, and tweak responses. 

How much time did it take for each writer to respond to all pertinent comments? And, was it even necessary for them to do so?

Disqus and similar chat platforms make it easy to sign up/in and communicate. Until a few months ago, I used Disqus here. I answered comments and accepted likes. Sometimes I would answer in painstaking detail. Other times I'd reach for the nearest spirit and try to keep my head level. 

It was a waste of time. And quite the finger-banger.

Joseph James's approach to a blog is academic. Let the article itself become a reference, not a side note to someone's polemic - unless that person decides to write about the article in one of their own. 

Comment microblogging obfuscates the real message. I do my part on headfonia. And I get caught up in other sites such as Fujirumors and DPReview. But god help me, I shouldn't.