shotgunshane's views on the ortofon e-Q8 VS the Final Audio VII are spot-on:
“The e-q8 has better bandwidth (extension at both ends), slightly fuller note weight and quite frankly the best distortion guitars I think I’ve heard on an iem. This may be THE iem to own for rock and metal.
The only area in sound the heaven VII beats the e-q8 is with that FAD magical reverb. Pianos are fantastic on the heaven and more lifelike due to reverb imo. The keys’ notes linger so beautifully and tastefully.
If I mostly listened to pianists, I’d have to look hard at the FAD line up. But I’m a rock-n-roll kind of guy and the e-q8 is excellent in guitar tone, timbre, grit and bite.”
He continues later:
“So... I liked the loaner set so much I ordered my own pair tonight from Dimitri. The e-q8 is easily the best single armature I’ve heard.”
Right on, shane. If you can drive them properly, the e-Q8 is one of the top two or three single-driver earphones on the planet.
His thoughts, among others, can be read in the ortofon eQ-8 headfi thread.
And here is my review of them at Headfonia.