Mike's upped a review of the Fostex HP-A4 USB headphone/DAC about which I briefly wrote at the end of 2013. I didn't really get a chance to listen to it for more than a few minutes, but my opinions reflect Mike's rather well. He concludes:
“While I don’t really care about DSD or 24/192 capabilities, at the end I just can’t help being excited about a box that plays everything I throw at it pretty good. Just about the most perfect balance of technicalities and musicality I’ve seen south of $1000. It has the sound stage, the depth, resolution, separation, but it manages to be so musically involving and toe-tapping. I wanted to say that the HP-A4 has re-set the bar on the $500 USB DAC/Amp but it’s such a cliche statement. Perhaps you the reader can help me with a closing statement.”
Ω may take a longer look at it in the future with the proviso that readers understand that Fostex are one of Ω's recently acquired clients.